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Invoices and Payments

Preschool sessions are invoiced monthly in advance.


Breakfast Club and Afterschool Club sessions are Invoiced monthly in arrears.


From October 2020 invoices will be sent via email, this email is dedicated to billing and you will be able to ask any billing related questions using the following email address 


A late payment fee of £25  will be applied to overdue bills. 


Payments can be made by Bank Transfer or Childcare Vouchers


Please ensure all payments include a reference – e.g.  Surname/Fees; Surname/Sports Club.


Bank Details

The quickest and easiest way to pay your invoice is straight into the Preschool Account. The bank details are:


Sort code: 40-52-40             Account: 00020882              Name: CAF BANK


Childcare Vouchers


We can accept payments from the following Childcare Voucher providers:




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